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Cookie preferences

Functional cookies
Functional cookies are strictly necessary to provide the services of the shop, as well as for its proper functioning, so it is not possible to refuse their use. They allow the user to browse through our website and use the different options or services that exist on it.
Cookie Provider Purpose Expiry
PHP_SESSID www.visiofactory.com The PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP and allows websites to store serialised status data. On the website it is used to establish a user session and to pass state data through a temporary cookie, which is commonly known as a session cookie. These Cookies will only remain on your computer until you close your browser. Session
PrestaShop-# www.visiofactory.com This is a cookie used by Prestashop to store information and keep the user's session open. It stores information such as currency, language, customer ID, among other data necessary for the proper functioning of the shop. 480 hours
Advertising Cookies
These are cookies that collect information about the advertisements shown to users of the website. They can be anonymous, if they only collect information about the advertising spaces shown without identifying the user, or personalised, if they collect personal information about the user of the shop by a third party, for the personalisation of these advertising spaces.
Analytics cookies
Collect information about the user's browsing experience in the shop, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow the user to be uniquely and unequivocally identified in order to obtain reports on the user's interests in the products or services offered by the shop.
Performance cookies
These are used to improve the browsing experience and optimize the operation of the shop.
Other cookies
These are cookies without a clear purpose or those that we are still in the process of classifying.

Legal notices

Website's operator



Simplified limited liability company with a capital of €5.000

Head office:

                19, rue de Mulhouse

                68390 SAUSHEIM


Registered on the Mulhouse trade and companies register under number TI 520 596 396

Management number: 2010 B 254
SIRET: 520 596 396 000 17
Intra-community VAT Number: FR57520596396
Represented by Mr. Laurent NAGELEISEN (President) & Mr. Guillaume LARGER (Director General)


                VISIOFACTORY CACTUS S.A.S.
                19, rue de Mulhouse

                68390 SAUSHEIM


                (+33) (0)3 89 57 12 86


Website creation

Simplified limited liability company with a capital of €5.000
Head office:

                19, rue de Mulhouse

                68390 SAUSHEIM

Telephone: (+33) (0)3 89 57 12 86

Intra-community VAT Number: FR57520596396

Publishing director: Mr. Laurent NAGELEISEN

Editorial director: Mr. Guillaume LARGER

Website created by CACTUS S.A.S.

Photo credits: CACTUS S.A.S


Website hosting


Simplified limited liability company with a capital of €5.000

Head office:

                19, rue de Mulhouse

                68390 SAUSHEIM


Registered on the Mulhouse trade and companies register under number TI 520 596 396

Management number: 2010 B 254
SIRET: 520 596 396 000 17
Intra-community VAT Number: FR57520596396
Represented by Mr. Laurent NAGELEISEN (President) & Mr. Guillaume LARGER (Director General)


                VISIOFACTORY CACTUS S.A.S.
                19, rue de Mulhouse

                68390 SAUSHEIM


                (+33) (0)3 89 57 12 86


Secure payment service: Banque CIC via "CM-CIC p@iement"
Your payments are directly made on the secure servers of our partner "Banque CIC".
Your bank details will never be stored or known by any VISIOFACTORY employee.


Terms of use

Please read carefully the following terms and conditions of use before consulting this website.

Your access and use of this website are subject to the following terms and conditions.

This online sales website is freely available (except for Internet connection costs) subject to compliance with the following conditions. The present provisions are without prejudice to applicable legal provisions.

In the event that you do not agree with any or all of the following terms, we advise you not to make any use of this website.


Ownership of rights

All the elements such as texts, images, animated images, logos, sound elements, videos, icons, layouts, data bases, and software displayed on this website are protected by the national and international laws on intellectual property. These elements remain the exclusive property of CACTUS and/or its partners.

Unless prior authorization has been given by CACTUS, any full or partial reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, translation and/or transformation of all or part of this website or its contents, or any transfer to another website is prohibited.

Any failure to comply with this restriction constitutes a counterfeiting that would involve the civil and penal liability of its author, according to the French Intellectual Property Code.

This also applies to databases, which appear (if applicable) on this website, protected by provisions of the French law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code from the European Directive of 11 March 1996, relating to the legal protection of databases. These databases are the property of CACTUS.

Any reproduction, republishing or redistribution of the brands and logos reproduced on this website, by any means, without prior written authorization of the copyright holder, is prohibited by law.

Total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos, using elements from this website without the express permission from CACTUS is strictly prohibited by the French Intellectual Property Code.



With the exception of sites providing information or content of an illegal and/or political, religious, pornographic or xenophobic nature, you can create hyperlinks to this website on your website, on the condition that these links open the site in a new browser window, leaving the address http://www.visiofactory.com/ appear, and are presented accurately and unequivocally in order to avoid any risks of confusion between your website and this website and/or any biased presentation which could be contrary to applicable laws.


User’s obligations

The user undertakes, during the consultation or use of this website, not to infringe legislation, rules and effective practices, lawful interests of third parties and CACTUS.

The user undertakes to respect: rights inherent to the human being (such as right of publicity and right to privacy), trademark rights, copyright (especially on software, sounds, images, photos, texts, animated images) and rights of artist-performers, producers of phonograms and videograms, and "sui generis" right of database producers, and generally rights of individuals and right to property.

Besides, the user undertakes not to disrupt or try to disrupt the normal operation and/or the accessibility of this website and/or one of its services or its contents, or to use it for purposes unrelated to this website.

The user undertakes to respect the image and the reputation of CACTUS and not to engage in any declarations and/or actions detrimental to CACTUS.



Users are informed that some personal data can be stored in temporary memory or in their hard drive in order to facilitate navigation, for example login and password, so they do not have to re-enter them every time they visit this website. The period of conservation of these data on the users' computer is for a maximum of twenty days.

Besides, users acknowledge that they are aware of this practice and authorize the editor to employ it. However, users can oppose to the recording of cookies by configuring their Internet browser as follows:

Google Chrome

  1. 1. Click the icon depicting three horizontal lines in the top-right corner
  2. 2. Click “Settings”
  3. 3. Click “Show advanced settings...”
  4. 4. In the section entitled "Privacy", click the button “Content settings...”
  5. 5. Find the “Cookies” menu and choose the options you want

Mozilla Firefox

  1. 1. Click the icon depicting three horizontal lines in the top-right corner
  2. 2. Click “Options”
  3. 3. Click the icon “Privacy”
  4. 4. Find the “Historic” tab and choose the options you want

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. 1. Click on the gear-wheel icon at the top right of the browser window
  2. 2. From the Tools menu, click “Internet Options”
  3. 3. Click "Advanced"
  4. 4. Choose the options you want

Microsoft Edge

  1. 1. Click on the plus icon at the top right of the browser window
  2. 2. Click  “Show advanced settings"
  3. 3. From the "Cookies" section, choose the options you want


  1. 1. Select “Menu” then “Settings”
  2. 2. Click "Private life & security" tab
  3. 3. In the "Cookies" section, choose the options you want


Limitation of liability

The editor declines any liability relating to the use of the information displayed on this website. A hyperlink from our website to another does not constitute a validation of this site or its content. The user is responsible for using the information presented on such sites critically and discerningly.

CACTUS takes all possible measures to provide users with information that is available and accurate, but cannot be held liable for any error, unavailability of features and/or presence of viruses on this website.

The editor shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting or following the spread of a virus by any third party on this website, and likely to infect the computer system or the configuration of the user’s computer following a connection, navigation, use of any feature, or a download from this website.


Data protection

In accordance with the French law number 78-17 of 6 January 1978 regarding Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, this website has been registered to the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) and has the following authorization number 1467347.

The automatic processing of data stored on this website have been done in accordance with the law number 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (modified), regarding Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties.

In accordance with the law, users have the right to oppose the recording of personal information, review personal information held about them and require incorrect personal information to be rectified.

Users also have an opposition right on the processing of personal data for legitimate reasons and a right to object to the use of these data for the purposes of marketing and prospecting.

In accordance with the provisions of the law number 98-536 of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code from the European Directive of 11 March 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases, CACTUS is the producer and owner of all or part of the databases on this website.

Users connecting this website acknowledge that its data are protected by law and, in accordance with the provisions of the French Law of 1 July 1998, that they may not upload, operate, store, copy, represent or keep, directly or indirectly in any media, by all means and forms, whole or substantial part, in quality or in quantity, of the content of databases of the site they are connecting to. All these rights can be obtained from CACTUS by filling in the contact form or by mail with a copy of an identification card or any identification document with a signature to:

19, rue de Mulhouse




CACTUS reserves the right to modify and/or to delete the whole or any part of the information or services proposed by this site without notification. Moreover, the content available on this site is provided for information purpose and it is possible that it may contain typing mistakes or omissions. Information provided by this site is indicative in nature and does not excuse the user from conducting an additional and personalized analysis. CACTUS cannot guarantee that the information on this website is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Consequently, the user of this website agrees to exercise his own responsibility when using this information.

CACTUS reserves the right to transfer to any third party and in any form whatsoever, the rights and obligations on these conditions of use that the user acknowledges and accepts.The user acknowledges to have been informed about effective and existing rules and practices on the Internet as well as the various codes of ethics available on the Internet.

Total or partial nullity of any provision in the conditions does not affect the validity of other provisions of the conditions. 


Legal jurisdiction and applicable law

These general terms and conditions are governed by French law, and any difficulty in interpreting or executing relating to the conditions of use is exclusively subject to the court of competent jurisdiction in Mulhouse (France). In case of a dispute, and after attempts have been made to seek an out-of-court settlement, the courts of Mulhouse will have exclusive jurisdiction. 

Any questions?

See our F.A.Q.



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