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Privacy Policy of Visiofactory.com

The present data protection policy personal describes the types of collected personal data when you connect on the site Visiofactory and the way your data are used, shared and protected.

1. Who is responsible for the treatment of your personal data?

The personal data collected within the framework of the activities of the site Visiofactory.com are handled by:


Simplified stock company with a capital of 5000 €

Head office :

19, rue de Mulhouse



Registered in the RCS of Mulhouse : TI 520 596 396

2. Personal data processing

2.1. At what moments does Visiofactory collect your personal data?

We are brought to collect your personal data then:

- Of the browsing on our site, the consultation of product sheets and blog postings

- Of the creation of your account on Visiofactory

- Of the signing of an order

- Of a request of produced return / exchange

- Of a request of information or help

- Of a contact with the customer service of Visiofactory by e-mail, phone, via the " chat Visiofactory " or the social networks

- Of your registration in our Newsletter

- Of the consultation of an advertising Visiofactory on a third site

- Of a testimony or a writing of an opinion or a comment

2.2. What are the types of personal data whom we collect?


We are brought to collect or to ask you to supply us certain personal data to give you access to products or services which you will have requested.


These personal data can be:

- Your information of user and account

- Your personal information understanding the sex, the date of birth, the delivery address and of invoicing, the phone number, the email address, the history and the details of the orders

- Your ophthalmic data within the framework of the purchase of corrective lenses or an optical equipment

- Your information of payments

- The IP address, the criteria of search, the preferences of purchases, the type of used browser, the mode of consultation of the site, the hours of access and the duration of the visit, the URL of the site by which you joined Visiofactory.

2.3. What are the purposes of the personal data which we collect?

We use your personal data in the following purposes:

- Assure the sales management with you. It includes : the follow-up of your orders, the signing and the confirmation of your order, the management of the shipping and the delivery, the control and the recording of payments and invoices, the management of the complaints, the outstanding payments and the dispute, the returns and the exchanges.

- To inform you about products and services available on Visiofactory

- To propose you advertisements, to organize quizzes, events, offers adapted to your centers of interest

- To develop loyalty to you of our relation

- Canvass

- Develop commercial statistics, studies of audience relative to the visits and the behavior

- show advertisements targeted at third sites via the partners of Visiofactory

- Assure the management of the notices of the users on products, services or contents

2.4. What is the shelf life of your personal data?

Most of the data of customer account and the data bound to his orders are kept in operational bases during the duration necessary for the commercial relation. These data will then be archived with an access restricted for additional duration in connection with the durations of prescription and legal preservation for strictly limited reasons and authorized by the law (payment, guarantee, disputes). After this deadline, they will be deleted.

2.5. What are the addressees of your personal data?


The collected data are intended for Visiofactory.

Only the authorized people can have access to the personal data namely:

-       Our customer service Visiofactory within the framework of the treatment of the orders and the canvassing

-       Our logistics services within the framework of the expedition of the orders and the delivery

-       The authorized staff of the subcontractors to whom Visiofactory appeals within the framework of the customization of the contents of its Site

Can be also addressees of the data:

-       Our business partners and advertising executives

-       Our partners health for the orders of glasses in the view

-       Our partner credit institutions

- The representatives of the law and the members of legal profession within the framework of their mission of debt collection

- Police services

For the ophthalmic data and the prescriptions which are passed transmitted to us, only our optician Visiofactory has access to these data. The transmission of your data is made via a personal, provided you with space, protected by a secure access, dedicated to your exchanges and transactions, also allowing you to ask the advice of our qualified optician. Visiofactory commits to the fact that your ophthalmic data are transmitted only to our partner glassworkers, except this case, they will be neither sold nor revealed in third parties.

2.6. Which are the measures of safety and protection of your personal data

We take any useful precautions to protect the safety of your data in particular by preventing that they are deformed or damaged or that third parties unauthorized have access there.

The accesses to the processings of your data require an authentification of the people reaching your data, by means of a code of individual, strong enough access and a word of pass and regularly renewed.

To guarantee the protection of your data, we use the protocol HTTPS (HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL SECURE), this protocol assures you that the information sent to Visiofactory is coded and protected from any unauthorized use.

During a purchase on our site, the whole transaction is made in mode coded between you and the CIC bank (our bank partner). During this stage, you leave temporarily the site VISIOFACTORY so that you can record your account ID.

It is the guarantee that: - we not connaitrons never the number of your bank card. Indeed this one is seized on a secure page accommodated by the bank;

- CM-CIC payment (our service of partner banking transaction) can know nothing of the detail of your purchases

Besides, for the ophthalmic data and the prescriptions transmitted to Visiofactory, the transmission of your data is made via a personal, provided you with space, protected by an access secure and dedicated to your exchanges and transactions.

2.7. Transfer of the personal data except the European Union

Within the framework of the management of the social networks and the targeted advertising, in link in particular with companies Facebook and Google, data concerning you may be transferred in the United States.

Within the framework of the removal of consumer notices on products, data concerning you are transmitted to the company Trusted shop and NET REVIEWS INC.S. ( Avis Vérifiés )

3. The rights relative to your personal data

According to the data protection act of January 6th, 1978 modified by the law of August 6th, 2004 and by the Law for a Digital Republic of October 7th, 2016, you have an access right, a rectification, an abolition and a portability of your data. You can also oppose for a justifiable motive the use of your data, or without having to prove motive when your right of opposition aims at putting an end to any canvassing of Visiofactory.

You can finally contact us to define the fate of your data after your death. In the absence of precision, the heirs of the concerned person can after its death exercise the rights on the personal data of the deceased.


To exercise your rights, it is enough to you to send us your request by e-mail in cil@visiofactory.com or by mail accompanied by a copy of a title of identity and by your signature in:



Protection des données personnelles

19, rue de Mulhouse


You will have to specify the address which the answer has to reach you. An answer will then be sent to you within one month according to the reception of the request.

4. Use and management of the Cookies of our site

A cookie is a text file deposited on your computer, tablet or smartphone during the visit of a site or during the consultation of an advertising. It aims at collecting information relative to your browsing and to send you services adapted to your terminal (computer, mobile or tablet).

Cookies are managed by your Internet and only browser the transmitter of a cookie may read or modify the information which are contained there.

The cookies which we emit(utter) are used in the purposes:

- To facilitate your navigation on the site, by adapting display of our site to the preferences of display of your terminal, resolution of display, used operating system, etc.), by storing information relative to a form which you filled on our site (registration or access to your account) or in products, services or information which you chose on our site (service signs, contained consulted, purchase made etc.), by allowing you to reach reserved and personal spaces of our site, such as your account, thanks to identifiers or data which you confided us possibly before

- To establish statistics and volume of attendance

You can choose at any time to deactivate these cookies.

However, we remind to you that the configuration may modify your conditions of access to our contents and services requiring the use of cookies.


You have the possibility to set you against the recording of these "cookies" by configuring your sailor in the following way:

For Google Chrome

1. Click the icon " Personalize and check Google Chrome " above on the right

2. Then click "Parameters"

3. Click " to show the advanced parameters "

4. In the section "Confidentiality", click " Parameters of contents "

5. In the section "Cookies", select the options which suit you

For Mozilla Firefox 1. 2 click on the icon "to Open the menu" at the top right. Then 3 click on "Options". Click on the icon "Private life 4". Spot the "Historic" insert and select the options which suit you

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. 2 click on the icon upper right "Tools" then"Internet Options". Click on the tab "Confidentiality 3". 4 click on "Moved forward". Select the options which suit you

For Microsoft Edge

1. Click the more upper right icon then "Parameters"

2. Click " to show the advanced parameters "

3. Locate the section "Cookies" and select the options which suit you

For Opera

1. Click "Menu" > "Regulations"

2. Click " Private life and Safety "

3. Locate the section "Cookies" and select the options which suit you

For Safari

1. Click on "Safari", then "Preferences"

2. Click on the tab "Confidentiality"

3. Shoot the compartment "Accept cookies" and protect your preferences.

5. Use of your phone number - of your mailing address or your e-mail

The phone number, the mailing address and the e-mail are necessary for the processing and for the management of your order.

Without transmission of these data, it is impossible to you to place order on our site.

We can use the latter for purposes of canvassing, however you can oppose it by sending us your request by mail accompanied with your signature and with a copy of your ID card to :



19, rue de Mulhouse


You will have to specify the address which the answer has to reach you. An answer will then be sent to you within one month according to the reception of the request.


6. Connect et Google Facebook + Connect


The function Connect et Google Facebook + Connect allows you to connect in our sites with your account Facebook or Google +. When you connect in our site with your account Facebook or Google +, we can reach certain information as you informed about Facebook or Google + to offer you a personalized experience.

7. Our emails of services and information

You are informed that further to an order, you will receive messages of information to allow to follow your order (confirmation of orders and payment, information about the shipping and the delivery). These service messages are necessary for the good execution of the orders and the services which you requested.

8. Our Newsletter


During the creation of your account and later in the management of the latter, you will have the possibility of registering you on the Newsletter of Visiofactory and so to be informed in regular interval of our last collections, novelties, exceptional offers and advice.

If however you do not wish to receive anymore our newsletter, you can us let it know by unsubscribing you by clicking on the link situated at the bottom of each of our Newsletters.

9. Your notices or comments


We have a page Facebook and an account Instagram and Pinterest on which you have the possibility of leaving an opinion, of commenting on articles or of participating in our quizzes. This participation on our page Facebook and on our accounts Instagram and Pinterest may pull a collection and an exchange of certain data between our partners and us.

We invite you to consult the personal data protection policies of our partners to acquaint exactly with information which are collected and which can be passed on to us as well as the purposes of use of the data, in particular for advertising purposes.

You can parametrize directly on the social networks the access and the confidentiality of your data. We collect some of your information and personal data in connection with your activity on our page Facebook and our account Instagram and Pinterest. These data are used for advertising purposes to improve the commercial relation and the advertising which is sent to you to offer a personalized and social experience.

The information which we collect for our account through our services in connection with the social networks is governed by the present conditions. On the other hand, we are not responsible for the use which is made by your data by our partners for their own account.


Within the framework of our partnership with Trusted Shops and Net Reviews, you have the possibility of participating in the evaluation of our site.

This operation includes the harvest of your notices and comments concerning the put on-line functioning of our site or our products and services.

You can also be brought to announce your personal experience and share it with the community of the Internet users on our partner sites.

The collected information is the object of a processing automated by data the persons in charge of which are Trusted Shops and Net Reviews.

Trusted Shops, Net Reviews and CACTUS INC.S. Comments are the addressees of the name specific data collected within your notices and.

10. Control and wrestling against the frauds in means of payment

Within the framework of the control of the orders, our customer service can be brought to make checks to validate your order. These controls aim at protecting us from unfair practices operated by possible swindlers. At the time of the control procedure, our customer service can be brought to ask for all the necessary parts to place order: a proof of address and/or address and phone number of the holder of the credit card, the identity cards among others. The defect or the refusal to transmit the wanted documentary evidences can lead us to refuse or to cancel the order.

The deadlines of expedition and delivery begin to run only as from the transmission of supporting documents requested by our customer service. It is reminded that you have an access right, a rectification and an opposition, an abolition to the set of the personal data by writing by mail or by e-mail: cil@visiofactory.com

Concerning the transmission of identity cards, these are accessible only to our customer service in charge of the processings of the orders.

Besides, we take all the necessary measures so that no hijacked use can be made by these data by deleting these files immediately after control.

11. Personal modification of the Data protection policy

We reserve the right to modify the present Data protection policy personal at any time.

Any questions?

See our F.A.Q.



30 days return

Secured payment

French glassmaker

Authentic products

Your order with confidence at Visiofactory.com
Number 1 e-commerce website - Capital
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Shipping with Colissimo, Chronopost Express
Payment with Credit Card, Paypal American Express, SoFort